Top 20 Jobs in the US: What You Need to Succeed


The United States is home to some of the highest-paying jobs in the world. If you’re looking for a lucrative career, then this comprehensive guide will help you find your dream job. We analyzed salary trends and job growth for top professions to bring you the Top 20 Jobs in the US. Read on to learn more about these high-paying careers and what it takes to succeed in them.

Highest-Paying Jobs in the US: A Comprehensive Guide

1. Surgeon – $394,576

2. Anesthesiologist – $385,549

3. Orthodontist – $374,327

4. Obstetrician/Gynecologist – $372,835

5. Dentist – $367,773

These are just a few examples of the highest-paying jobs in the US. Other well-paid positions include neurosurgeons, cardiologists, and radiologists. These professions require extensive training and education but offer generous compensation packages.

Analyzing Salary Trends, Job Growth for TOP Professions

To determine which jobs have the best potential for growth and earnings, we looked at several factors such as projected employment rates, average salaries, and required education levels. Here are some of our key findings:

1. Software developers – Employment rate expected to grow by 21% between 2020 and 2028 with an annual median wage of $111,950.

2. Nurse practitioner – Projected to see a 28% increase in employment opportunities with an annual median income of $113,930.

3. Physical therapist – Expected to experience a 27% rise in demand with an average yearly paycheck of $90,720.

4. Data scientist – The field is set to expand by 28%, offering an impressive median salary of $118,400 per year.

Top 20 Jobs in the US: What You Need to Succeed

Here are the top 20 jobs in the US that offer great prospects for advancement and high salaries:

1. Surgeon

2. Anesthesiologist

3. Orthodontist

4. Obstetrician/Gynecologist

5. Dentist

6. Neurosurgeon

7. Cardiologist

8. Radiologist

9. Software developer

10. Nurse practitioner

11. Physical therapist

12. Data scientist

13. Financial analyst

14. Marketing manager

15. Human resources manager

16. Information security analyst

17. Lawyer

18. Accountant

19. Engineer

20. Teacher

Education Requirements and Training Programs

Most of these high-paying jobs require advanced degrees or specialized certifications. For example, doctors need medical school and residency training while lawyers must attend law school before passing the bar exam. However, there are also many entry-level positions available in fields like finance and marketing where candidates can work their way up through hard work and dedication.

Skills Needed to Land a High-Paying Job

In addition to formal education requirements, most high-paying jobs require specific skills sets. Some common qualities sought after by employers include strong analytical abilities, problem-solving skills, communication skills, attention to detail, creativity, leadership ability, and adaptability.

How to Advance Your Career in These Fields

Advancing your career in one of these high-paying fields requires a combination of hard work, determination, and networking. Building relationships with colleagues and mentors can lead to new opportunities within your industry. Additionally, continuously improving your skillset through professional development courses and attending conferences can make you stand out among other professionals.


If you’re seeking a fulfilling and financially rewarding career, consider pursuing one of the high-paying jobs listed above. With the right education, training, and skills, you could be well on your way to achieving success in your chosen field.